Sunday, October 7, 2007

first morning light.

photo by karl anderson

happy thanksgiving, folks. i hope you're having a lovely weekend, filled with family, sweaters, friends, crisp air, and a little pumpkin pie.

my weekend has been fairly uneventful thus far: i wrote a huge paper, and i should have done more work today, but i ended up drinking too much coffee, and being way too antsy to focus. instead, i listened to a lot of radiohead, while thinking about how i will take in the new record on wednesday. i went with, in my headphones, walking to the creek. i'm excited.

here's something. my friend alex drew this picture freehand in paint. i think it's neat:

i also downtuned the classical, and wrote two songs on it. here's one that i quickly recorded tonight. it's called "first morning light" and it's about leaving behind the frustrations of the city, and getting lost in beauty of trees. hope you like it!

first morning light

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