Tuesday, October 2, 2007

that girl.

i spent a weekend in the city, but not in the traditional, vacation from the country, sense. let's go for coffee, i'll tell you all about it. things are getting pretty chilly here, as you can see from the picture. i haven't seen a blue sky in too long, and that's too bad. i'm hoping it clears up at least once more, so i can hang out underneath some changing leaves.

i've written a few new songs, and i'm kind of in the process of recording them. here's one that i finished, that will have drums pretty soon. i wrote this song this summer, at work, and i still have the original lyrics i wrote down on a golf scorecard. lyrically, it's a bit of a confession; you could call it my ode to the girl who will never love me. the truth is, that it's really about sex. think about it, it will all make sense. i played it for my mum as she passed by my room, and she said, "it sounds like simon and garfunkel". hope you enjoy harmony.

moving backwards from the end

1 comment:

Adam said...

man, i wish this whole "oooh look i have a girlfriend, we look so cute holding hands" thing was easier than cute couples, and movies, make it look.

it is complicated! gah.

coffee. pizza. ea. yeah.